10 Tips to Boost Productivity for Neurodivergent People

10 Tips to Boost Productivity for Neurodivergent People

10 Tips to Boost Productivity for Neurodivergent People

Katy Hall - 21-May-2024

This list of 10 tips aims to help increase productivity for ADHDers, because standard methodologies, tips and tricks aimed at neurotypical brains don't work and can leave someone who is neurodivergent feeling like a failure.

Download the list as a PDF

Almost 50% of people working in construction describe themselves as being neurodivergent and many of them describe themselves as having ADHD and/or dyslexia.

If you are working in construction, your neurodivergence brings many benefits including:

  • Aptitudes in maths and engineering
  • The ability to think in 3 dimensions, and easily convert from 2D to 3D
  • Lateral thinking and thinking outside the box to find novel solutions
  • Great spatial awareness
  • Attention to detail and the ability to hyperfocus to complete tasks to a high standard
  • Creativity
  • The ability to find quick and efficient ways of working

However, methodologies aimed at office working can be more challenging because:

  • Pervasive Drive for Autonomy (PDA) doesn't respond well to rigid rules.
  • Different body clocks can't cope with "start early" or "eat the frog" (do the hard thing first) recommendations.
  • Hyperfocus means you hate being interrupted by pomodoro timers just when you've got started.
  • While the need for a dopamine kick means you shouldn't delegate all the quick or easy stuff - you need it to get you started.
  • List making can be difficult for someone who thinks in 3D rather than serially, or can solve a problem quickly in their head, but cannot write it down or explain how they did it.
  • Multitasking and task-switching can aid concentration and mean several tasks get completed at once.
  • And collaborating, meetings and explanations can just be too exhausting.

Read more in our article on Celebrating Neurodiversity in Construction

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