SC4 Carpenters Articles - Neurodiversity in Construction
Neurodiversity is common in construction managers and workers throughout the UK and being neurodivergent is encouraging people to pursue a career in construction. This section includes a number of articles discussing neurodiversity, reasonable adjustments, the benefits provided by a neurodiverse workforce as well as the challenges neurodivergence presents.
Also see: Diversity in Construction
Also see: Women in Construction
Also see: Pride in Construction
How can changing attitudes in education relieve Construction skills shortages?
If you don't work harder at school you'll end up on a building site.
How many boys (and girls) heard this and thought "that's not the career for me"?
This article discusses how can changing attitudes towards neurodivergence and those with creative skills can help relieve skills shortages in the Construction Industry.
And that we should be valuing these skills in childhood and pride in neurodivergent people, not knocking them for the very skills the industry needs.
10 Tips to Boost Productivity for Neurodivergent People
This ADHD Productivity Cheat Sheet includes 10 Tips to Boost Productivity for Neurodivergent People, because standard methodologies, tips and tricks aimed at neurotypical brains don't work and can leave someone who is neurodivergent feeling like a failure.
Being a Neurodivergent Woman in Construction
Katy Hall is a neurodivergent (ND) woman who has been working in technology & construction since the 1980s. In this article she shares how being neurodivergent affects her and the benefits she believes she brings to her role.
What is the Impact of Neurodiversity on the Construction Industry?
Two 2023 surveys from the Association of Project Managers and On the Tools suggest that around half of Construction Project Managers and Tradespeople describe themselves as Neurodivergent.
Reassuringly, 9 out of 10 Neurodivergent Project Managers in Construction say their employers have made changes to accommodate their needs.
Equal Representation in the Construction Industry - What Can You Do Better?
Whether you are a business owner, manager, or employee, we all have a part to play in creating a more welcoming and inclusive work environment within our industry. As business owners, it is easy to make all the right moves in our attempts to hire a more diverse team of tradespeople and on-site operatives, but what happens when they quit due to bullying, discrimination, or lack of accessibility?
Research shows Neurodiversity is widespread in UK Construction
New research from National Federation of Builders, published in August 2023 in conjunction with CITB, has discovered that neurodiversity is common amongst construction workers in the UK and being neurodivergent is encouraging people to pursue a career in construction. SC4 Carpenters Ltd employs neurodivergent people at all levels from Directors to Carpenters and Decorators on site and believes they bring a lot of benefits to our business.

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